digiutama Most of the unit coban gps103b offline,stuck on 30Nov19, 22:59:45. Please help. Some units offline on 2Dec19 somehow suddenly online at 07.12 3Dec19.
digiutama Hi, unit still offline: 864180037412348, 864180031039840. Most of the units are now online, but we noticed that they are offline from 23.00pm-06.59am for the last two days, and online again in the morning 07:00am. Thanks for your help.
chol digiutama Thanks! Please reconfigure tracker with IMEI 864180037412348 to debug on
digiutama Yes, already online,thanks a lot. By the way, we noticed that our units are all offline at the same time 22:59pm and online at 7:00am in the morning for the last 4 days. Please check ,thanks.
chol digiutama Please also configure tracker with IMEI 864180031039840 to debug on