☝️ Not so many users know that trackers can send not only geo data, but telemetry as well.
📡 Depending on the options of your tracker, it’s possible to track such metrics as: voltage and battery level, type pressure, fuel level and much more.
We understand the importance of this data for an owner of a vehicle. That’s why Ruhavik has the possibility to show these metrics right on the unit’s card.
📌 To display these metrics that your tracker sends to a system, go to the Unit menu, then Settings and Parameters on the View tab.
Here on the telemetry field you can see the whole list of the parameters that your tracker ever sent to the system.
So, you can select the necessary one and add it to the Unit’s card.
❗ Keep your fleet safe and protected every step of the way!
👉 If you have any issues with configuring your tracker and its telemetry data, please contact us at email support@gps-trace.com