Hello, dear users,

A small number of users today may have noticed that their units are missing from the system.

We have been working on improving the algorithm for trackers that send a date from the past or future time.

And this affected another algorithm for deleting old unused accounts to remove units, the last message from which was recorded more than 9 months ago (Terms of use). But not the time when the message arrived(server.timestamp), but the time contained in this message(timestamp) was taken into account.

We are working on the restoration of such units. They are about 0.5% of the total. But we will not be able to recover messages from these units.

Premium users are not affected, simply because nothing is removed for them.

If you have lost a unit and you did not delete it yourself, write to us at support@gps-trace.com

rost stickied the discussion .


We have finished recovering half of the lost units.

Tomorrow we are going to restore the remaining units and accounts, which are 0.25% of the total on our platform.


The recovery process is almost complete. Remained 0.1% of the total. This takes longer than expected, because in the past time someone managed to partially re-create their units or accounts.
Tomorrow we plan to finish it completely.


We finished unit recovery process.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and have already taken steps to ensure this does not happen again.

Boa tarde, não consigo entrar em varias contas do ruhavik, já tentei colocar os imei em outras contas, mas diz que os imei estão sendo usados. me ajudem.

  • rost replied to this.

    sir good day…please help,i forgot my email address, username and password due to phone lost but i have my serial# or imei of my gps… my imei:358511022255636 please help

    • rost replied to this.


      Some users of restored accounts are faced with the fact that the old passwords are not suitable for authorization. And there was a need to go through the password recovery procedure via e-mail.

      Now we have resolved all these issues, and from now on, those who could not log into their account can do it with the old password.

      If any of you encounter problems, please email us to support@gps-trace.com.

      16 days later
      rost unstickied the discussion .