Hello and have a nice day!
Teltonika GH5200 personal GPS tracker has 5 programmable buttons and some additional Alert modes like “Man Down” and “Amber Alert” (delayed emergency alert when one enters a dangerous space or situation).
Programmable buttons generate telemetry events with button number and action ID, i.e.: “button.id: 5″ and “button.action.type: 3” (1 for single, 2 for double, 3 for long press).
The “Man Down” event generates “mandown.alarm.status: true” telemetry event, and the “Amber Alert” mode generates “amber.alert.state” telemetry events with corresponding values: 0 (alert cancelled), 1 ([re]starting Amber Alert countdown for “amber.alert.timeout” seconds), 2 (escalating Alert).
The problem is that while I can get notifications for the basic SOS Button alerts (“alarm.event”) from the tracker I still need to be notified of those additional events. I can see them in Flespi Toolbox telemetry messages, and I can add those attributes to the View settings of the interface, but can’t configure notifications (at least in Telegram)
Any help?..
Just as a side note: Teltonika TMT250 IP67-protected personal tracker also has the programmable button and “Man Down” alert functionality so this feature will be helpful for TMT250 device users as well.