Dear users!
We have recently released a new version 1.5.6 of the Ruhavik application. In it, we added several new features to make using the application more convenient:

  1. Now the selected unit can have the tail (displayed track from the last unit trip during the day).
    This will make easier to monitor in real time where the unit is moving from. Some users have been waiting for this option and we hope they will like it.

    You can enable/disable this option and also customize the tail color in the User Menu - Appearance settings - section “Track tail and marker”.

  2. A filter was added on the unit Events page.
    Finding the events you want is now much easier. Go to the unit menu - Events and enter the desired text into the search bar at the top (the search will be carried out by the event title).
    For example, you can display all events in one of the geofences in this way:

  3. The Notifications tab has been slightly redesigned.

  4. The last message will now show all the latest parameters (telemetry) as timeline.
    All parameters are separated by the last time when their value was received.

  5. Some bugs have been fixed.
    For example, now if you click on the text of the message opened by the track point, you will see all message data.

We hope you enjoy our new features and look forward to your feedback and new suggestions for the development of the application!

ashe stickied the discussion .
ashe changed the title to Ruhavik version 1.5.6: the unit now has a tail :) .

Great job! Thank you a million!

Excelente plataforma obrigado

13 days later
6 days later

Hi Ashe I was wondering if you could help me. I am a new user of the Ruhavik app. i have 3 trackers and they are all showing as offline. I have sent a command to all 3 of them and received GPS coordinates straight away. Can you tell me how do i refresh the app so they come back online. The information on the app tells me where they were 3 hours ago which is not helpful

  • rost replied to this.

    Hello, christina ,

    Of course we can help.
    Please write us to indicating login, unit IDs and device type.
    In addition, just in case, indicate a link to this forum topic so that we understand what it is about, or just in the letter again describe the problem.
    Then we can check, analyze and help with your issue.

    3 months later
    ashe unstickied the discussion .