Good day, Dear users!
Weeks of development are not in vain, and we decided to please you with new features and the new version 1.4!
As always, a few words about the new features:
1) Now you can set necessary colours for by speed track in Appearance settings in the User Menu.

2) The Mileage widget in the Dashboard tab was redesigned. Now you can see graphs showing the dynamics of the mileage there.

3) The Mileage counter widget was added in the Dashboard tab. Now you can reset unit mileage counter in this widget and the counter will start counting the new mileage from the moment of the reset. The reset date is also indicated on the unit line.

4) For a unit, you can now specify the initial mileage in its Common settings. If the unit already had accumulated mileage, the initial mileage will be added to the existing one.

5) Trip card was redesigned. Added the duration of the last state of the unit: trip or parking.

6) Button to show and hide points on tracks was added.

7) Some other bugs were fixed.
We will be glad to receive feedback and comments, this will help us in further improvements to the application!
P.S. App Markets are gradually issuing updates to all users, if you have not received an update, expect it to appear within a few days.