Hi All, Purchased a Sinotrack ST-906, all’s fine via text and tracking via text, but tracker will not connect to Ruhavik system, i’ve tried the 10 digit code but the software just searches without luck..Any help would be appreciated.

Sorted it, used, legacy, gosafe G91I, Server, Port 20490

  • ashe replied to this.

    philjcarter Hello!
    We understand that you managed to connect your tracker as Gosafe G91I, is it right?
    Thank you for writing about this on the forum, it might help other users.
    Please write to us if you have any questions.

      5 months later
      9 days later

      philjcarter Hello!
      We recently integrated Sinotrack devices to Hardware category.
      Now, you can try to change the device type in unit Common settings to Sinotrack ST-906 from Hardware category.
      Please also change the server address and port in device’s configuration when you change device type.
      You can write to us if there are any problems.

      2 years later

      I have a problem connecting sinotrack ST-906L, it answer to SMS command also answer to the command 6690000 sending its location but it does not connect to the ruhavik, I have use the server: port:30205 (https://gps-trace.com/es/devices/sinotrack-st-906#address). Also SAW A DIFFERENT ip server:, from the list of equipment as you can see in the attached picture….

      So my questions are:
      1) which ip server is correct…??
      2) By the I have try both ip address but neither work, so please any advice of what i am doing wrong……
      3) Also I read that another user (Philjcarter ) used and it worked using the settings legacy, gosafe G91I, Server, Port 20490….which i have also tried but didn’t work…..

      PD…Sorry for my english i hope you understand.

      here is my config maybe it can help

      • kuta replied to this.

        Dear Gonchy1975

        In your case, we would like to pay attention to some points:

        1. When connecting the tracker to our system, you need to direct the tracker to the server address and port specified in the application. As far as we can see, on our website in the Devices section https://gps-trace.com/es/devices/sinotrack-st-906#address, the specified server and port for the Sinotrack ST-906 tracker are the same as those indicated on your screenshot: IP: port:30205

        2. Please note that in the screenshot from the Ruhavik application, which you sent us, and in the screenshot of the SMS commands, the tracker IDs do not match. It is necessary that the application uses the correct tracker ID when creating the unit.

        3. When setting up the tracker, it is very important to set the following parameters correctly:
          1.IP and Port

        4. Timezone UTC=0

        5. Set up APN in accordance with the requirements of the mobile operator.
          We also recommend that you check the limits and balance of the SIM card inserted into the tracker.

        If you cannot find a problem, please write to us at support@gps-trace.com with the login, unit ID, screenshot of device configuration (SMS commands and device’s answers) and link to this topic, then we will try to check additionally and help you.

        thanks Kuta,

        I fixed my as you mention problems, but I have another problem, in the logs message I received the following message:
        301: device disconnected (connection is closed by inactivity timeout
        Usually happens that tracker only shows me online once i restart the GPS tracker, but then after a few minutes it goes offline. Any idea of why this is happening…
        this is the message below : (by the way, I am reading HO2 protocol but cant understand yet all the info)

        {“channel.id”:55649,“device.id”:5173015,“device.name”:“My Sinotrack ST-906″,“device.type.id”:879,“engine.ignition.status”:false,“ident”:“7028806176″,“message.type”:“V6”,“peer”:“”,“position.direction”:0,“position.latitude”:-21.535585,“position.longitude”:-64.728333,“position.speed”:0,“position.valid”:true,“protocol.id”:291,“server.timestamp”:1688391101.961233,“timestamp”:1688391100,“vehicle.state”:“FFFFFBFF”,“vehicle.state.bitmask”:4294966271,“vendor.code”:“HQ”}

          Dear Gonchy1975,

          Please write to us at support@gps-trace.com with the login, unit ID, screenshot of device configuration (SMS commands and device’s answers) and link to this topic, then we will try to check additionally and help you.

          14 days later


          I also experienced something like you experienced… and what i did was :

          1. Set the background usage of always-on apps.

          1. Sets 8050000 18000

          and it worked..

          Dear Gonchy1975

          Thank you for your information. I think it will be useful for us and other users.
          Thanks again.

          If you will have additional questions, please let us know we will try to help you.

          8 months later

          Hello there,
          i have recently bought a sinotrack pro st906 but when i want to connect to the sinotrack pro app it doesnt let me and for some reason the tracker doesnt work could you please help me?

          • kuta replied to this.

            Dear DonatQerimi

            This is the GPS-Trace user’s and team’s forum, where we discuss an applications for personal GPS tracking Forguard, Ruhavik and Petovik.

            In case you are not using our application, you need to contact the tracker manufacturer or the developer of the application you are using directly for help.

            In case you want to use our applications for monitoring your vehicle, you need to create an account in our system. Please note that our application is free when used to monitor a single vehicle. For more information on how to get started with our applications, please visit https://gps-trace.com/en/how-to-start 

            a year later

            Hi MODEL ST-906L is it can send reply location by sms 6690000

            13 days later

            If this is a Sinotrack tracker, then judging by the information in the instructions for it, the command for receiving the location via SMS should really be like this.